Sunday, November 04, 2012


Step over here to this antique cupboard in our dining room...the doors are a little you can see there are several shelves of cocktail glassware, old serving dishes, silver candle sticks...most of which were passed along to me by my Mom.  I have a combination of her silver ("Buttercup" by Gorham) and mine (the same pattern, a wedding gift) - service for 16. Over here in this chest I have many different tablecloths, napkins, napkin holders, etc.  I can barely get the drawers closed they are so full. You might be thinking "Wow, this girl is into the entertaining and hostessing scene big time!" NOT! In my past I actually had people over without much thought. That was then.  This is now....

I seem to have acquired a mental block about having company for dinner.  I am pretty sure I can still cook a good meal.  It's not cleaning the house to prepare that catches me.  It isn't the cost. So what in the heck is wrong with me? 

We are lucky enough to be included in a group of 6 or 7 couples here at the lake, my cousin and her husband are part of the group. Bonnie is a primo hostess. She does it perfectly and seemingly without effort. No matter the season, she is the hostess with the mostest!

My brain tells me that I need to reciprocate many lovely evenings we have spent at Bonnie's and at several other friends' homes.  For some strange reason I feel paralyzed!  I guess I could get professional help?  Maybe I could start small? All I need to do is pick up the telephone....yes....that's what I'll do....I'll pick up the phone....I'll do it first thing tomorrow. Or Tuesday.


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