Katie called last week and told me she was sitting in a San Diego PD detective's car.
It seems that she and her roomate Kelly returned home from Target that afternoon and noticed as they got out of their car that a bum (oops,not politically correct) - a Homeless Person was asleep in the parking area in front of their house. After getting inside they heard loud yelling so Kate went out the door and found another Homeless Person beating on the sleeping one. She said he was using a street sign - the kind that folds up to close a street - and just beating the crap out of the sleeper who never knew what hit him. She said she and her roomate called 9-1-1 (took 15 minutes to get through) and also wrote down a description of the perp. Kate said she will never get the image of the brutally beaten man out of her head...or the image of the bloody sign the police office asked her to ID. Her house was surrounded by the standard yellow crime scene tape. The cops asked her and Kelly to drive with them and try to find the suspect. They were able to identify him and he was carted off in handcuffs. She found out the next morning that the victim died.
Luckily later that night a HazMat crew came and washed the parking area off. Most people I suspect are exposed to crime in their lifetime but I sure hated for her to have to witness such an awful thing.
The sun has finally come out here in New York. I have spent the last few days outside all day - working with the yard, washing windows, pulling weeds...just puttering to my hearts content. LOVE IT!
Heard from son Ryan that he shot a 68 when he played golf in Palm Springs with his Uncle Royce last Sunday. He is a really good golfer...
Max The Dog has turned Psycho on us. He hides in our bedroom or if he is brave enough to come into the family room he hides behind our chairs. He refuses to be in the kitchen unless a tuna can or his dogfood is being opened. If I pull the toaster out of the cupboard he can't get out of there fast enough. We don't have a clue why he is so scared of everything. Nothing bad has happened to him. People have suggested that perhaps it is from moving up here. All his familiar things are here so I'm not sure that is the answer. Maybe I should get him some doggie valium?
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