Thursday, March 11, 2010


There I was in the ladies room at Atlanta's Hartsfield Airport last week and the woman at the sink next to me said "How are you?"  "Kind of tired", I responded.
She looked at me like I was a nutcase and pointed to her ear. It was then I realized she was plugged in to her Bluetooth and wasn't talking to me at all.  This is not the first time I have embarrassed myself in this way.  I was at Hannaford's a few weeks ago in the vegetable aisle and a man pulled his cart up behind me and said "How do I know if the cantalopes are ripe?"  Being a seasoned shopper I spoke up and said "My Mom always thumped on them and if they sound solid then you have a good one".  He turned to me and said "I was NOT talking to you".  Once again I noticed the thing stuck in his ear and was cringing, quickly moving down to the potatoes and onions.  What is so all-fired important that people have to be continually plugged in? It is bad enough to hear 20 or 30 different ring tones wherever I am, but to also have to figure out if I am indeed being spoken to is IRRITATING.  Cell phones are a great way to keep in touch but I am wondering where this technology will take us. Maybe the bluetooth things will be implanted at birth? Perhaps 6" screens will be installed on our foreheads.  I will still be asking "Are YOU talking to me????  Are you TALKING to me?  Are you talking to ME?"


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