Tuesday, September 26, 2006


There has been a lot of talk around here lately regarding retirement. Such as "when can we?" "where should we?" "why can't we win the lottery so we can do it now?".
The results in my case means that I am not living in the moment but am hurrying in my mind past the next 3 or 4 years in order to DO IT...We have settled on the place (Lake Ontario) and so now the question for me is to just relax and enjoy today and forget about projecting 4 years into the future!

“We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery.”
H. G. Wells (1866 - 1946)

"The truth of life is that all you have is today. Yesterday is only vapor and tomorrow will never come. Today is the timeline of your life and each moment contains the essence of your being. Allow this essence to shine brightly by allowing others to see its fullness for each moment is a gift that is given to you just for being who you are."

I think because I am more aware that these are my sunset years (hee)I feel that we should hurry up and get to it so we can enjoy retirement before I am drooling in a chair somewhere. When in reality, I will most likely be living my life the same way in 4 years, wherever we are, as I am doing right now. So, I say to myself, Susan - take a deep breath and relax. Life happens.


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