Wow -the news is enough to scare the pants off me! Ammadammadingdong wants us dead - and he is fine with biting the dust along with us to further his vision...and then there is Hugo saying in front of the UN that he smells suphur following Bush's presence at the podium. Imagine insulting OUR president in such a hateful way - while being here in our country. Even if you dislike Bush, the disrepect shown by these visitors reaches epic proportions. Boggles the mind. The media seems to find these two whackos to be worthy of interviewing without contradiction. There were 35,000 people protesting DingDong's dispute of the Holocaust in front of the UN - and where did you see that covered in the Main Stream Media?If there had been a similar number of Bush haters there you can bet every sign, placard and effigy would have been on the news.
I heard today that the FBI is searching for a terrorist here in the US - they suspect he is connected to nuclear dirty bombs that Al Qaeda has snuck into the country from Mexico. Al Qaeda claims that one of these bombs would effectively destroy Wash DC or NYC...And just in case you dont believe in PROFILING - here is the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorist List...
We are in for the fight of our lives and our kids and grandkids lives- and before we can get to the business at hand,we need all hands on deck and all on the same page. Quit all the stupid political maneuvering and get to it.
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