Sunday, March 30, 2008


The Good News is that the vascular surgeon did not think Pat had a blood clot. The spot on the ultrasound was most likely scar tissue from that 1990-era clot. The Bad News is that his knee hurts a Lot. Now he is thinking that Arthur has set up residence in his knee joint. It is a mystery at this point - but he has been cleared to return to work on tomorrow. It will just be a week at work - and then we are off to NY to close on the "retirement trailer of our dreams" as we call it! That will be a busy week - signing the papers, getting carpeting, asking for estimates on the renovations we would like to get done before totally moving in. Getting utilities turned on. We are planning to take a load of stuff with us each time we head up that way - the first load will include at least a bed for us and one for Max The Wonderdog.

Spring is dragging it's feet here in the Georgia Mountains. But at least we haven't had a hard freeze like last year which killed every blooming thing. I am itchy to get the yard looking better - right now it looks sort of dreary - too many brown leaves still around bushes and fences. The pansies love this weather however and are perky and colorful as can be.

The NCAA tournament rages on - and I am pleased to say that in the family ranks Slam Dunk Susie is in second place. Not for long however, since I picked Duke to win. Duh.

Pat's brother and sister-in-law spent the weekend with us - and we had the usual laughs! It's always good to see them~

So that is the stuff of the week - the good, the bad and the ugly!


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