Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I am sticking my head in the sand - turning off my TV and Radio because the news the past few weeks is giving me a pervasive sense of sadness. The shooting of innocent children in schools where they should be safe, the news of yet another pervert in politics. If I had young children now I believe I would be considering home schooling although there is no guarantee that some whacko wouldn't break down my door, guns in hand. Where can our children be safe?

Certainly not in Washington where the super-egos, power-mongering, sexual predators are too busy revelling in their importance to do what they should be doing. Lest anyone think one party has cornered the market on decadence, there is plenty of evidence to show they are both wallowing in it. Yesterday Dr. Laura mentioned that after Bubba had Monica in the Oval Office, a senator from Ohio was sent to jail for having sex with a 16 year old. Bubba pardoned him and he went to work for --- Jesse Jackson, who had an adulterous relationship with a woman in his office and fathered a child with her. Is there a way to make Washington less grubby? Yes - my opinion is that we should have term limits...let them do what they can in one or two terms at the most and then move along. What if there were an equal number of Republican and Democratic seats available and they were filled as such? Just thinking...too many questions and no good answers.


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