Sunday, May 27, 2007


.....and your throat, and your hair, and your clothes!

Mid-morning today a stange thing happened. A thick layer of smoke covered the lower Smoky Mountains - this time not the haze of clouds and fog for which they were named - but a heavy dose of what the people in north Florida and south Georgia are experiencing. We luckily don't see any flames but the smoke is bad news. It is odd to click on the weather report and see a "smoke warning". We had planned to cross off lots of items on our ToDo List today but there's no way we will be working outside. Maybe manana~
I wish the smoke had been a little heavier this afternoon around Turner Field where the Braves were playing the Phillies. No, let me correct that. The PHILLIES were playing the Braves. Any relation to professional baseball players was strictly coincidental on the part of the Braves. Choke! Gag! Pfui!


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