This is NOT what you are thinking. March has been especially tough on our bodies here at the ole retirement trailer. I am coming off my cataract surgeries (one great, the other not so) and my fall 2 weeks ago, hurting my right leg and all of it's components. Pat has had his basal cells sliced and diced, rooster-juice injected into both knees, and last week carpal tunnel surgery on his right hand. None of the above were so awful on their own. However taken together we each have our limitations - and therefore have devised the Dance of Love each morning. He helps me pull up my jeans and put on my socks. I help him pull up his jeans and then put on his socks. Last week I had to help with his zipper and buckle his belt. Usually we have laughing fits at the sight of us. It helps to be able to laugh. Drugs also help.
His carpal tunnel surgery was easier than he expected, just two bandaids covering two tiny incisions. We both thought he would be much more limited in the use of his right hand. We anticipated this limitation by purchasing what we call "The Biden". It was about $20 and fits easily under the toilet seat. When you turn it on the stream of water goes from gentle to clean-you-nicely-up-to-your esophagus strong. The bidet, oops Biden, works like a charm. Since it uses only cold water it is very refreshing!! The surgery was such a snap that Pat is scheduling the other hand when he goes back this week for his check-up. My leg has improved, leaving just my good knee in bad shape. I'm not sure how long the Dance of Love will continue - but it sure is great to have a partner for the Prom every day!
Pat, of course, denies all of this.
Except that it is really nice to have someone to help you get through those times - if it were true, that is!
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