Friday, August 31, 2007


Slap me silly the next time I complain. I mean it.
Ever since our grandaughter Rainey was being treated for Ewing's Sarcoma, I kept up with what was going on with her through a website called Families can post a journal so that friends, family and other interested people can know the latest on patients fighting all sorts of bad fights. It was while reading Rainey's Caringbridge journal that I became familiar with a brave young boy named Brandon who was getting his cancer care at the same hospital.
It is one of life's mysteries that children are subjected to such cruelty - and take it on with bravery and determination that would put most of us to shame. Brandon who lives in North Carolina has been fighting this monster since 2004. If you want a lesson in true faith you really should read his Mom's journal. It is both humbling and inspirational. One can only imagine the anguish in this family. I was going to say helplessness. I am sure there are those feelings but there is also a mountain of faith. I have always felt lacking in the quality of my handing destiny over to a higher power with the total belief that HE would know best. I wasn't brought up in any particular faith - I looked for it on my own. Reading Brandon's journal is truly an inspiration to me - hope, love, faith and family. I am praying for a miracle for this special guy. If you would like to read Brandon's story:


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