Friday, February 06, 2009


Let's assume that you have never held a 9-5 job in your life. Further assume that you have never in your career managed a company or for that matter any sized group of people. There is nothing in your past that shows you have fought for anything other than neighborhood problems.

Now let's assume that you articulately spoke your way into the Presidency of the United States. You have found your name and face splattered over the media in ALL forms. Superhero! The Answer!. The ONE!

Since you are totally inexperienced in the management of such a HUGE corporation (The USA) you must rely on advisors and "people". Your people vetted some very bad choices for Cabinet posts. You sent the names of tax dodgers out for approval. You rely on Rahm Emmanuel, former Senator-friend from Illinois. “Rahm hates us and lets us know it, and we hate him back,” said a senior Republican. Although you campaigned and won on CHANGE and HOPE, the partisan lines have been set - HOPE and CHANGE are just a jumble of letters in the political soup.

You rely on Nancy Pelosi, also totally out of her depth in a position of power.

Let's assume you have a six week review in your new job as head of the corporation USA. You are sitting before the Board of Directors and the Shareholders. Your hands are sweating. You KNOW you are in over your head. You lash out at critics - it's their fault, after all, that things aren't going well. You decide to put in motion ways to silence the critics. If you can make all the workers happy in your corporation, perhaps they will support you. Get some perks to filter down to the mailboy. Food vouchers? Lots of money spread around ought to do it. Yes. That's what you will do.

Let's say that your corporate "stock" is dropping like a rock. You are relying on voices from the past - from the old school. Do they have what it takes to make changes that will bring your profits up? What will you do?? What if they know that you don't have the chops?



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