Saturday, July 02, 2011


There are things that I read that reeeeally get my blood pressure percolating. One of the things which fell into this category a few days ago was an article discussing a HARVARD UNIVERSITY study which cost who-knows-what.  Perhaps you read it also. Basically the results of this "study" determined that the 4th of July is a right-wing celebration.  The study claimed that those who attend 4th of July parades as youngsters were more likely to become Republicans. To this I say WHAT??? I have been to at least 40 4th of July parades and I am willing to bet my social security check that there were Democrats in the crowd, along with their children. Do you think they didn't get a chill when the Stars and Stripes went by in the care of a Marine Guard? Do you think they were tempted to cover their kids' eyes so that they didn't run home, and before their naps, write away for info on the Republican party?  What tripe!!  In addition to spending MONEY on such a stupid study, it becomes more and more apparent how unpatriotic and biased our colleges and universities have become.  In a different article I read that the ratio of Democratic to Republican professors in colleges is now 70-1.  Do you suppose our students whose parents are paying through the nose to attend those schools are free to voice an opinion other than the one held by their professors?  Just saying.  By the way, I WAS a Democrat for about half of those parades!


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