Pat does his pills every Sunday, separating them and putting them in their little daily compartments. He noticed when he was getting the bottles together that his pain killer bottles felt lighter than they should, since he rarely has to take them. We are talking controlled substances here. Oh my. When I suggested perhaps he had taken them over a period of time he was greatly annoyed with me. I didn't realize at the time how many were missing - 40-50 pills. (When we were talking to Pat's brother he mentioned that each pill can sell on the street for $50. ). SO, Pat said I am calling the police. "I'm sure they will want to know who was in our house - other than us" - and we came up with two possibilities - the four guys who are working on some projects for us per my last blog and a house cleaning service we have been using since I fell this spring. Pat called each manager of the two groups and told them what happened and that he planned on calling the police. Early this morning the phone rang and it was the boss of the cleaning ladies. She said she gathered her crew and told them what happened at our house and the more she questioned them, one of the workers seemed very uncomfortable and finally confessed. Probably after water-boarding her! An hour or so ago a deputy came to the house and asked Pat to sit in the car with him while he took his statement. I can imagine how curious our neighbors are after driving by and seeing ole Pat in the backseat of the patrol car!! Tongues are wagging on Pillar Point! I got to thinking that since she made off with the pills maybe she took some jewelry. She did. My Pandora bracelet, a gift from my brother, and a little bag of old silver dollars. Now THAT really frosts my frijoles!! Hope she fries!!
PS...She told the cops she didnt take the jewelry or coins...and they asked me to look again. So yesterday afternoon, I went through it all and found the bracelet and the little pouch. I felt badly that I accused her but then she asked for it :-) Mostly I am glad that I still have my bracelet and silver dollars!
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