Thursday, January 25, 2007


Pat and I just got back from a speedy trip to Naples, FL - or as our GPS called it, Napples. The voice of the GPS is Australian, and actually we didn't think Bob The Australian had a CLUE about where we were going. He spent most of our trip saying "Recalculating" or "Travel 100 feet and make an immediate U-Turn". Napples is very chichi. You can tell there is much money tucked away behind those landscaped stucco walls and up the elevators of those tall condo buildings. Lots of traffic, a mall a mile, and many non-english speaking workers. At the hotel most of the employees sounded Frenchy-French. And the grunt workers appeared to be Haitian, Dominican, etc. Pat doesn't hear well (a bomb of some sort went off near his ear in Vietnam) therefore much of the waiters, maids, desk clerks, 7-11 clerks dialogue was missed by him. I was the interpreter but it was still hard to understand people. This explains why at 7-11 we bought 7 chickens instead of 7-up.

The Highlight of our visit was my reunion with my college roomates whom I haven't seen in forever. It is amazing that we connected so easily after all the years have passed. We recognized each other! We laughed all night! Our husbands tolerated all this quite nicely.
In college we lived in a tiny apartment off-campus which today would most likely be condemned. It came furnished - and all three of us remembered the scratchy victorian sofa with ornate carvings on the legs. Scratchy sofa +Johnny Mathis LP's= fun. Some of us had more fun than others, but I won't name names! What wonderful memories. (Except for my Chaucer class that year which I flunked. Not a great idea for an English major. I remember taking the final and had not one clue about any of the questions. What a baaad feeling.)
When we left each other we promised another reunion - and to not let so many years go by 'til the next one! Chris & Nancy ~ I love you roomies!!