Sometime between 2003 and today, our yard has been taken over by wild violets.
"Awww", you are thinking. "How pretty! I love violets!" NOT! Picture one of those helpful signs - a drawing of wild violets with a line through their hearts. That's what I would like to put down at the bottom of our driveway. The flowers and plants that I paid good money for - and also some bad money for - at Lowe's require lots of sun and water and care for their survival. The wild violets however are perky as can be in droughts and floods...in sun and in gray skies. They could care less. Even when I spend hours hunkered over yanking at them and trying to rip them out by their roots, they survive. They flourish. They multiply. They are evil. I just read on a garden computer site that they are among the hardiest of weeds and are almost impossible to kill with your normal off-the- hardware-store-shelf poisons. No - this time you have to bring in the big guns, buy special equipment to protect yourself, enter a decontamination chamber when finished, and even then - they will come back. This website suggested enjoying their perky green leaves and white to purple flowers. Of course this was a tree-hugging website, also suggesting digging clumps of them up to give to your friends. HAH! If someone knocks on your door and presents YOU with clumps of Wild Violets, accept them graciously and when the door closes - shove them down your garbage disposal. Laugh diabollically as you do so. Hehehehehehe....