Life is good. Life is busy. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
In the three month leave of absence from my writing here, we have enjoyed visits to each and every child and grandchild! This is not an easy accomplishment since they are scattered on the right and left coasts! We were lucky to have Erin and family here for Thanksgiving and for Matthews First Birthday. When they left we packed up and headed to Las Vegas where we sublet an apartment for 7 weeks. We were able to spend lots of time with Ryan, Jess and Zoe (1-1/2 going on 10) and with Katie and her new guy,Trevor - plus we drove to LA and got to see sons Jason and a glimpse of Fritz. Christmas in Las Vegas! Ah! No decorating required. No dragging out of all the boxes and chatchkes! It was a pleasant change. Just hung a wreath on the door here and left! We enjoyed the drive back and forth a lot. Seeing different parts of the US was fun. Pat landed in the hospital briefly in Greenville, Indiana but was in great hands - lucked into a wonderful hospital there. He's fine now-feeling great as a matter of fact! We enjoyed Las Vegas so much that we decided to make an offer on a short sale home out there and are waiting to hear if it will all go through. Takes a while we've been told. So during the coldest months here in NY we will get to stay there, enjoy the beautiful desert mountains, the great restaurants, the multitude of thrift stores (haha)-and most of all, family! We hope all of the family will take advantage of the house for get aways~ if we get the place!! Real estate in that area is sad. People have taken baths on their property. There are so many foreclosures and short sales it is mind boggling.
You can buy a condo for the same price as an SUV. For those who might be, we won squat at the casinos we visited.
It was a mild winter while we were away. Now there is a bit of snow on the ground but the lake is open water. It feels good to be back on my blog again! Happy New Year to all, and hopes that we all survive this election B.S.!! ** As soon as I figure out how to get my pictures from my phone to here, I will post some of the rest of the gang!