Monday, April 20, 2009



Norway first proposed building what it called a "Noah's Ark" for the world's seeds in June 2005, and started construction a year later, blasting a nearly 400-foot (120-meter) tunnel into a frozen mountain and placing the vault for foil-wrapped seeds deep inside. Each sample holds about 500 seeds.

"The seed vault is the perfect place for keeping seeds safe for centuries," said Cary Fowler, executive director of the Rome-based Global Crop Diversity Trust, a project partner. "At these temperatures, seeds for important crops like wheat, barley and peas can last for up to 1,000 years."

There are already about 1,400 seed banks, mostly run by countries for their own seeds, but these could be affected by economic problems, wars, political unrest or natural disasters. The national seed bank of the Philippines was wiped out last year by a typhoon, and seed banks in Iraq and Afghanistan have been destroyed by war. The Norwegian vault is intended as a final backup for all other seed banks. The vaults are designed to withstand a nuclear accident.

AHA! I have stumbled on another mission! I am scouring EBAY and buying up ALL the seeds I can get my Paypal on!

Chocolate tomatoes? Gottem. Purple Carrots? Check.
Ditto the Black Bat plant, Cancer Shrub, Cannabis seeds ( heck, why not - might be in demand if people are in line at my seed bank!), some Corncockle, My Lady Lies Bleeding (I sure hope not!). YOU TOO may want to start your own seed bank...You may position yourself financially at the top of the seed bank market guaranteeing you and your family the Good Life in 2012.

Seed it and they will come......

By the way - that's a photo of a Nipple Plant up there. THOSE seeds will cost you!!!