* When I drop an egg on the floor.
* When I get those little cracks in the ends of my fingers - OUCH!
* When I have found the perfect spot in bed and then my nightgown is wrinkled and it seems as if I am sleeping on a piece of re-bar.
* When I finish the laundry and find a towel, a pair of undies, and a dirty dishcloth that I missed.
* When a button falls off as I am ready to leave.
* When my favorite bra wears out.
* When it's time for my mammogram and goozaka exam.
* When I miss someone's birthday.
* When I sneeze...yeah. That.
* When I am nekkid and can't avoid the mirror. Ewww.
* When it's time to cut my toenails.
* When I find something in a Tupperware container in the
refrigerator that I don't recognize.
* When it's time to do the taxes and I can't find the papers which we need.
* When there are two pieces of bread left - and they are moldy.
* When I spend three days trying to win level 3-10 on Angry Birds - I'm too old to be suddenly addicted to video games - or AM I?
* When I can't find the humor in all of the above!