In the continuing saga of Life As An Adventure, this week I was diagnosed with macular pucker. This after having die injected into my arm and staring at length into lights bright enough to melt my eyeball.
I was told the pucker was there before my cataract surgery and that it would never get worse - or better. As it was explained to me, as one ages (there's that word again) the retina can pull away from the back of the eye and in some cases pucker or wrinkle (there's THAT word again!). If this condition annoys me in the future there is the option of surgery. What sort of surgery you might ask? Well...they would remove the vitreous in my eyeball and then replace it with saline solution which evidently is similar to vitreal solution. There are no guarantees that one's vision would be any better afterward. The thought of that makes me believe that I will find my vision , as corrected, quite fine - thank you very much! This week I have been feeling sorry for myself. My leg hurts, my eyes worry me...and then...to top it all off I got my hair cut. I have been paranoid about haircuts since being duped into a 3" cut by my dear ole Mom at the tender age of 17. Gone was my long page boy with the Rita Hayworth wave over my forehead. In it's place hair so short I couldn't get a curler around it. I digress. When I got it cut this week it was after reading that "older women should not have hair below their shoulders". Mine was. I asked the woman for a "medium bob". I dont call mine medium. Its pretty jaggedy also, and my bangs look like they got sucked into the vacuum cleaner. I have figured out that long hair must mean youth to me since for most of my life I have had long hair. Now - with my hurting leg, puckered macula AND short hair I am feeling O-L-D. There is no cure for O-L-D other than ...well....er....uh, you know. So slap me silly and let's just get on with it. As Pat says often, there are LOTS of people who would gladly change places with me.