Last week we had a blessed visit from Erin, Steve and our newest grandchild Carson.I confess that I was pretty piggy with her and hung on to her sweet self as much as I could for her whole visit! What a cutie! Her parents ain't bad either - so its a genetic thing! Parents of today's babies have the greatest devices. I will tell you about two of them - I would have paid a million bucks to have one of them when my kids were little! Do you remember those swings that you wound up? They made sort of a clicking noise and just when the baby fell asleep it stopped. You had to rewind it, and the ensuing clackety-clackety noises always startled the kid into a wide-eyed creaming state. Well, the new edition is battery operated. It swings front and back and side to side. It has an overhead entertainment center with a shiny mirror in which the baby can see their own cute face. Rotating birds with moving feathers go up and down like merry-go-round horses. Music plays...softer, louder. The whole thing comes apart and can be reassembled quickly by agile Dads. In Carson's case, her Dad and a friend devised a way to eliminate the batteries and make it electric! Buckle them in - and you can have a few minutes of hands-free time to ready yourself for the next onslaught of parenthood.
The second amazing invention - the SWADDLER. Erin and Steve call it the straight jacket! It is a soft cotton blanket with velcro tabs. When Carson was fussy and it was determined that bed-time was nigh, she got wrapped up tightly in her Swaddler and calmed right down. I used to use the receiving blanket with strategic tucks and tugs to accomplish the same idea. But this was cool! Now if they make swings and Swaddlers for toddlers - and then for teenagers, Erin and Steve will have it made!