Friday, May 29, 2009


I am all a-twitter about TWITTER. I mean what's the big deal with sharing a few sentences several times a day with fellow Twitterers?? Does anyone care that I am doing the laundry or washing Max The Dog? I try my best to keep up with technology but I am afraid that I am being passed by on the Geek Super Highway. For starters I do not have an Iphone or anything similar. I don't download movies or radio on my cell phone. As a matter of fact when I upgraded my cell phone in December after two years with my old familiar phone I was boggled by the 100 page book which came with it to assist me in operating it. So far I can answer it, call from it, send a text message. It has an upgraded camera which is beyond my understanding. Shutter speed adjustments, panoramic views, macro, micro, schmakro! My computer slows down and creeps along while I whap at the mousepad. The TV remotes are evil devices which help to point out to Pat that I can no longer coordinate HDTV, satellite, local channels, DVR, DVD and now thanks to my son JJ - a Wii. I am so excited to have my Wii. I can bowl, play baseball, tennis and do yoga. But when Pat is in Georgia will I be able to set it up? Perhaps the heart-pumping action will be as a result of me trying to get the wires in the right places! I haven't mentioned Iphones, Ipods, dealing with our GPS, or the computer in my sewing machine. Years ago it was a status symbol to have a pool boy. I need a Geek Boy!