Wednesday, January 23, 2008


You might have noticed a gap in my blog production.Lord knows there's enough going on in the world to write about. Maybe that's the problem. I am thinking... about the economy - especially as it relates to home sales and to our retirement plans. I am thinking.... about politics - especially since my favorite Duncan Hunter just dropped out. I have to use either the volume control or the remote to control all visuals of Hil and Bill so that keeps me much too busy to write in my blog. I can't stand the sight or sound of either one of them.
I am thinking about food.... Wanting it. Not wanting to cook it nor buy it or cart it home and put it away. I am thinking.... about Britney Spears and her ilk. I am wondering if it has always been this way - sleazy and pathetic stars being trailed by paparazzi.(There was a photo on the internet yesterday showing a photographer with his camera aimed up the skirt of Jessica Alba as she walked away from him.) What in the world has become of the world?? So here I am, in my recliner, thinking... and not Writing. It's enough to give me a headache!