Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Perhaps you remember when we buried poor old St.Joseph, cast in white plastic, last May in the backyard. I presume he is still upside down facing the house as directed. I feel his pain. Now we selfishly call out his name in fervent prayer. Our realtor called and says a "man" contacted her and wants to see the house Saturday at 2pm. Little does this unknown man know how much we are hoping and praying he likes our house. Amazingly, he is going about his business this week oblivious to our angst. Tonight I took advantage of the sunny break from gloom and rain to plant some more Lowes 50% off dianthus in an effort to spruce up the yard. So many weeds and so little time! If you have room on your prayer list, sure would appreciate adding a few good words to St.Joseph in our behalf! Remember - Saturday at 2pm!