This afternoon at 5pm I will offer my poor ole left knee up to the orthopedic doc for an injection of SYNVISC...a hyaluronic acid concoction. A friend of mine at the thrift store swears by these shots as a way of fending off a knee replacement. It has taken some time to get the insurance company to approve the injections and no wonder...they are about $600-700 for the series of three. But I can only imagine the cost of a knee replacement!
The company says that "Synvisc relieves pain and immobility associated with osteoarthritis of the knee and is ideal for those who do not respond to more conservative methods of osteoarthritis management." I fall into that category. Even though Naproxyn (a miracle drug if there ever was one)has kept me functioning for over a year, I can't walk very far, can't kneel or bend down (without calling the local tow truck to get back up) and me getting out of a chair is not a pretty sight.
I was surprised to find on the internet a 6 step set of instructions to perform the injections. # 5 is a doozy!
#5 Insert the needle into the knee joint
A needle is then inserted into the joint to inject the medication or remove the swelling from the knee. Studies have shown that the most reliable place to inject the knee is with the patient lying flat and the knee straight, and the needle placed from the outside, under the kneecap. Other injection sites may also be used.
#1-4 - of no consequence. Just hope I can get past #5!! I especially loved this bit of advice:
"Let your doctor know if you are nervous--your doctor may not know if you are having anxiety!