Wednesday, February 13, 2008


The time SATURDAY 5pm. WHAM! SPLAT! SHE IS DOWN FOR THE COUNT! My hair hurts.My eyeballs feel like they will explode. Chills. Every bone and muscle in my ole body is complaining LOUDLY!

6PM: The female half of the Skinner Marital Unit is in bed covered with quilts and blankets.

Fast forward 24 hours.The second and infinitely finer half of aforementioned unit has fallen and there is another lump in the bed. Cue the moaning and groaning.

MONDAY: More of the same.
TUESDAY: More of the same. Drs appointment confirms it. The HILARY FLU. (I named it that since its the most distasteful viral attack known to mankind. And nigh onto death it behooves us to keep our sense of humor!) This flu was not prevented by the standard government shot. Tamiflu at Rite Aid and back to the lump position.
WEDNESDAY: Massive amounts of dare-I-say PHLEGM take up residence in our throats,followed by rib-wracking coughing fits.

I am pretty sure we will make it. After all it's just the flu. Pretty amazing that a teensy little virus can lay you so low. Hope none of you gets KO'd!!

**UPDATE: It is Sunday, a week later and we are alive and nearly well. It's been a tough week. Pat seems to have bounced back faster than I. But in a few more days we will be back to normal ~ whatever that might be!