Pat and I love CHEERS re-runs. The writing and casting for that show was great! We try to watch something funny before going to sleep rather than news which would get our blood pressure up!
When we first moved to our "retirement trailer", we began having breakfast at a small coffeeshop in downtown (and I use the term loosely) Dexter. At first the waitresses and locals were nice but a little aloof. Now, however they are like family! When we walk in it is like Norm entering Cheers..."Pat!"..."Susan!".....we hear from the waitress on duty - either Brenda, Carole, Kelly or Shana and Mike The Cook. They automatically bring us iced tea, coffee and water, no lemon. "Do you want your usual?" My usual is egg whites and burned rye dry. Two days a week I have three slices. Pat's usual is scrambled eggs and home made toast...and two days a week he has the Fishermans Platter. Does he ever look forward to those two days!
As time has passed people have gotten to know us so that when we are there, people stop at our table to talk, tell us a story or two, and lots of times, to laugh with us. It is truly the highlight of our retirement - having breakfast there each morning. Yes, a luxury - but one we for which we would happily give up other expenses! We take our paper with us, and Max the Dog. The cook always gives us a piece of Doggy Bacon for Max - imagine HIS cholesterol level!
If you want to picture us on any given morning...imagine us at a table by the window, reading the paper, laughing and talking, at DIANE'S, where everybody knows your name!