Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I hope Pat doesn't read this. If he does I hope he knows that these are tongue-in-cheek comments.
LORD, SAVE ME FROM THE HISTORY CHANNEL. In our house, the History Channel is on most of the day. It is just background noise to me, but today I heard the droning announcer yakking about men trying to rob Lincoln's corpse. Darn, I thought. I just heard this show a few days ago. After mentioning that to Pat he confirmed my worst fears. The History Channel has four or five basic shows that they run on a loop. So Lincoln's Graverobbers are followed by a show about salty lakes, and then by panzers in black and white rolling across Europe.Then they do them over again!

Do you remember those dreadful movies we were forced to watch in grade school? You could hear the click-click of the projector as some super-boring narrator "educated" you to sleep? You could smell the wet mittens drying on the hot radiators, the smell of peanut butter wafting up from desks. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

I digress. To me THAT is the History Channel. If I ever get to be a contestant on JEOPARDY I am sure I will regret not paying closer attention to these shows!

I love the promos on the History Channel! "Season premiere of THE AXMEN - Hell-Logging...The Ax-Men Cometh". I don't know about you but I can hardly wait!! Then there is THE ICE-TRUCKERS and don't miss NOSTRADAMUS. History.com has devoted at least 254 hours of programming to Nostradamus- everything you have ever wanted to know about that old dude and MORE! MUCH MUCH More!

Pat would point out, rightly so, that there are two other tv sets here. I LIKE being in the same room with him so I play on my laptop, sometimes slapping earphones on to listen to Rush or a Netflix movie. Compromise is the name of the retirement game. He does ask if there's anything I want to see - but to me TV is mostly apcray. I would just as soon turn the sucker off and listen to the wind, or in the summer, the lake lapping on the rocks. Or some music on XM...