Sunday, June 17, 2007


The shrinks say that a girls relationship with her Father is important to How She Develops Into a Woman. Fathers build in their daughters the confidence to be self-sufficient in the world without continually running back home for support. Their relationship often mirrors the kind of relationships their daughters will choose. The father helps her become independent from him and is the only one who can really confirm for her that she is unique and separate from her mother. The importance of a close, healthy father-daughter relationship is possibly the most important relationship a father can develop at this time in our culture. It will provide daughters and women with a positive image of a father, which is currently missing, for all intent and purpose. Check out TV shows which show Dad as a stupid bumbling idiot...My Dad, in the dynamics of my parent's marriage, was the quieter and less assertive of the two. I would have to say that my Mom seemed to be the "Boss" and there were many times when I felt badly for my Dad in what appeared to me to be a secondary role. But give him a few "Hannamattans" as he accidentally called them once, and he was jovial and outgoing...a great time to take him to Hess Brothers for a shopping trip! Other times he was a hard-working Dad who stayed mostly in the background- tricky job since he was 6'6"! My Mom always said he was proud of me but to be honest I never had that feeling. (I have always been curious why with either parent it is the hurtful things said or done that we remember?) I do know that my Father's Father was a piece of work -so it would have been hard for mine to know by example how to be a Dad. I think he did his very best. For that, I fondly remember and honor him today.

Daddy as the Captain of the OSWEGO STATE COLLEGE BB TEAM 1936

Daddy on His Bike Rochester NY, 1925
