We just finished cleaning up after dinner tonight. Pat said he really enjoyed it - left over pork roast in chunks on skewers with green peppers, onions, pineapple broiled in the oven - potato salad and deviled eggs with green grapes for dessert.
He is a very appreciative diner at my restaurant. Complimentary. Always says "thanks for the great dinner", etc.
I told Katie the other day that I would much rather clean toilets than do the grocery shopping. "I LOVE grocery shopping" says she. I can't remember a time in my adult life that I have enjoyed it - from the planning to the shopping and especially the dragging it inside and putting it all away. Let me say that I AM grateful to be able to live here in the US of A where there is a plentiful supply, even though it ain't cheap anymore. When I was a new bride back in ought six, the general rule was that it cost $5 a bag - paper bags all back then.
This week I went to Food Lion after staying away for 2 weeks and my bill was $205.97.
I asked the bagger to guess the total and darned if he didn't come within a few pennies! I think that is the most I have spent on groceries. Let me say that it was a LOT more than $5 a bag! As far as meals cooked over the last 44 years, not counting pre-marriage meals - and assuming I was lucky enough to eat out an average of once a week over those decades....that is 6 dinners a week times 52 weeks a year = 312 dinners per year x 44 years = 13,728 dinners. The most challenging period was when I had a baby, toddler, 2 vegetarians, and an old-fashioned meat and potatoes spouse and his college-aged sister at the table!
I would love to be around to see if Katie is still gung-ho about grocery shopping when she hits that magic number! Bon Appetite!!