Sunday, July 08, 2007


The phone rang yesterday morning and our realtor said that someone wanted to see our house. I thought she said it was a woman realtor who was interested in the house for herself. What followed is sure to become something called The Dance of the Visitation. Pat hit the upstairs with the vacuum. He wiped waterspots off the sinks and counters, lit the tart burner (a great invention by the way!),turned on the lights - and came downstairs in time to put the microwave in the back of the car.(The realtor said to remove everything but the tv from the countertops.) Meanwhile, I worked on the downstairs - spit-polished the kitchen, swiffered the floor, wiped off the stove,lit the downstairs tart burner and grabbed the garden hose for a quick watering of the front flower garden. After hiding Max's bowls, we jumped in the car, hoping this unknown person would leave us a deposit check on the counter. We spent the next few hours looking at boats to kill time. When we returned we found a card on the foyer table with the names of the "lookers" - RISELAND LLAMA FARM. Excuse me? Were they hoping to set up their business HERE??? We didn't hear from our realtor - so I'm sure that was a bust.
Makes us wonder how many such firedrills will take place before we unload the homestead!