When I painted the bathroom here in our retirement trailer, I went with Pat's only request in the decorating scheme. He wanted it painted what Lowe's calls "Sunset Adobe". The woodwork is white. The floor is fake wood. Accents are black.
Lately I have noticed that there are things taking over the color scheme. What are they? Prescription bottles! Luckily they have sort of that Adobe Sunset glow, with white tops...and black graphics on the labels. So they definitely fit into the decor.
Just in the last year we have gone to just a few prescription bottles to roughly 224.
Finding space for them is tricky.
Long ago, one marriage ago, I used to try and sell something called a "Lektriever". You may have seen them in doctors offices and hospitals. It is a floor to ceiling box with shelves that rotate at the touch of a button. I am wishing that I had one of those now in the bathroom to hold prescriptions, medical stuff - and skin creams. It is hard enough to store all these prescriptions but even harder to REMEMBER to take them. Like this morning. I stared at my Avapro blood pressure medicine and honestly couldn't remember if I took one when I brushed my teeth or not. So I took one. I figured the worst that could happen would be general fainting at the ironing board or kitchen sink. I also take 14 vitamin supplements a day. You have to get up mighty early in the morning to get the pills down your gullet. As for the beauty creams, I am a sucker. If it promises to erase my wrinkles I am there, cash in hand. This weekend I will be out shopping for a used Lektriever. I am sure I will find it at the thrift store!