Saturday, September 18, 2010


There are two different kinds of people in the world , and we married each other!

Here is what I have learned over the years:

I like to have our house clutter free. Pat prefers to have all his important papers (including mail from last May) surrounding his recliner.  Stacks of paper can pile up on our new kitchen counters, along with an odd paperback, glass cases, magazines, etc.  Along I come...and pick up all the piles and assorted stuff and stow it somewhere. Ah, now the countertop is clean. However, when he says something like "where is the xray that was right HERE 6 weeks ago?" I cannot come up with a good answer.  How could I have LOST a 20 x 20 xray folder???

When I first met Pat I was a divorced Mother and usually didn't have two nickels to rub together. Yes, I admit that I had checks returned on occasion from Safeway. Pat on the other hand was a BANKER. I was intimidated  by bankers! He had his check book registers neatly organized with all money accounted for. I list my checks in order on the back of my checkbook - unless I forget to write one down.  Can you just imagine the HORROR the first year we were married?  If you work in a bank you CANNOT have a check returned.  It is a no-no.  I believe Pat had to call me twice that first year to tell me my account was overdrawn.  Just the thought of it makes me break out in a cold sweat even now!

When we go out to eat, I am very laid back about my utensils etc.  Pat is very particular about his. They shouldn't (a) touch the waitress' fingers (b)  be placed on a just-wiped table. If food should slip off the edge of my plate onto the bare table, I just plop it back on my plate - or worse, in my mouth. Pat is aghast. ( He also doesn't care for my hair in his food. How rude!)

I am driven crazy by weeds in the yard and he doesn't notice them.

He loves the History Channel in any form. The drone of their announcers drives me up the wall.

I can't go to bed with dirty dishes anywhere in the kitchen.  " Oh, you can do that tomorrow!" Pat tells me.

I can't leave the bedroom in the morning with the bed unmade. Pat helps me make it but wonders at my obsession!

I can easily leave the door unlocked when I leave the house...but Pat comes along behind me checking to make sure that it is locked securely.

In spite of these weird opposites we are crazy about each other.
Maybe we are just plain Crazy! 

In a spin, loving the spin I'm in, under that old black magic called love.