AUNT MARG.......

My sweet gentle Aunt Marg died tonight at 94. She did not go easily but on her own terms, taking her time. She did it her way. I come from a small family and had only two aunts. Aunt Marg was the Aunt we looked forward to seeing the most. A trip from Easton, Pa to Jordan, NY was a REALLY Big Deal. Sandwiches had to be packed. Suitcases stuffed. From the time I was a little girl, sitting in the back seat of the old station wagon, with my younger brother as company, a trip to Aunt Marg & Uncle Pret's was EXCITING! About 30 minutes into the 6+ hour trip I wanted to know (a) if we were almost there (b) could I have my tuna sandwich and fig newton or (c) if they could keep my brother over on his side of the imaginary line we drew on the seat. Equally exciting were the times Uncle Pret, AUnt Marg and my cousins came to stay with us! My recollection of Aunt Marg as I grew up was that she was devoted to Uncle Pret (and he to her) and that she always seemed to have a cardigan on and wore the prettiest pink lipstick. She served meals on her Fiesta Ware which I thought was so cool. She cleaned her Revere Wear religiously so it was always shiny and sparkly. It was always fun to be upstairs giggling with my cousin Bonnie (we still giggle a lot!) and listen to the grownups downstairs laughing and joking around. Aunt Marg was lucky to have Bonnie and my cousin John close-by, not to mention grandkids and great-grandkids. I like to think that Aunt Marg is happily joining Uncle Pret and my Mom and Dad "up there" for a hot canasta game and a few frozen daquiris. Godspeed, Aunt Marg!