The weather up here in the tundra has been not so great lately so I have more than my normal time to contemplate my navel and other deep subjects.

I am giving up underwire bras. Yes - perky will take a back seat to comfy. I made this momentous decision after two of my favorites (you know - the ones you seek out in the undy drawer because you just know they feel good!) suffered split underwires.
You haven't lived until you bend down to pick something up and a piece of an underwire pierces your ribcage. The second time it happened in the last month had me sitting on the bed with a fiendish look in my eyes, cutting into my unders with nail scissors and throwing a pile of wires into the trashcan.
I have been doing a lot of work with my hands outside - pulling weeds, shoveling, etc. and now find myself with "trigger fingers". It takes me by surprise when I extend my fingers and one of them stays curled up until I force it. A strange noise comes from that joint - a kerpop. I looked it up in the internet and it will either go away on it's own OR I will have to have the bad joints surgically repaired. Not a chance. If I must I will spend the rest of my days straightening those fingers with my other hand!
Ice cream. It's not just for dessert any more. In our case, once a week or so we have breakfast, nibble something for lunch and have an ice cream cone from LICKETY SPLIT for dinner. Life is short. Why not??
While I was working outside the other day I was up on a not very tall wall. I had the hose in my hand and needed to get down so without thinking I jumped. OUCH! The shockwaves reverberated from my knees up my spine! I used to jump out of trees, I took three steps at a time down the stairs. I did backbends, cartwheels, and ran the bases in pick up baseball games. I jogged, I ran. I did aerobic dance. And now? I can't even jump off an eighteen inch wall without shaking my brain!
I must be anal. I notice when I am riding in the car and gazing out the window, I see homes that need painting and some weeding and bush trimming. I feel like if given the chance I would be a one-woman county improvement service. Now THAT'S weird.
Get me to a shrink.