Tuesday, August 14, 2007


We just finished a visit with the Winston-Salem family - Robin and her three balls of energy were here for 5 days. I confess that when Pat and I got married (I was in an advanced state of middle-age at the time) I REALLY wanted to have another baby.
Yes, it was an irrational thought but one that recurred many times. Now I realize the toll such an event would have taken on not just my body but also on what is left of my mind. Samuel at 10 is the age that my dreamt-about child would be right now. I wouldn't have the energy or patience. I guess that's why eggs shrivel up at a certain age. A higher power knows best. While the kids were here they went tubing, river rafting and to the aquarium in Chattanooga...thanks to their Momma who decided hanging out in the house was a quick ticket to insanity. They are all cute and special --- and healthy and full of energy and mischief and curiosity. Rainey's favorite expression when she wanted to avoid bed-time..."Oh, and one more thing..." So I say - "Oh and more more thing" - come back soon and bring your Mom!