Monday, August 25, 2008


The good news? Our dock is in. The bad news is how it GOT in! After a particularly grueling work day behind the paintbrushes, I decided to climb up on the newly-repaired dock and sit at the end and take in the beauty of Black River Bay. As I walked out I noticed the dock was a-rockin' and the next thing I knew, there was a loud rumbling noise and I felt rapid movement underfoot. I was heading into the lake riding my dock!! There was a sudden jerk as it came to an abrupt stop, thanks to a 4 x 4 that got caught on the boat lift. I took a hard seat on the planks and felt lucky that I didn't end up on the rocky bottom! I have been the butt (so to speak) of many jokes about how I put the dock in the water-and of how I might get it out!

Pat came back from Gawja on Saturday night after the usual grueling drive. We will pretend to be retired until Sept 19th when we head back down where he will face the Federal Bank Examiners for their annual visit. We will most likely not be back up here til early November, missing what everyone says is one of the prettiest times up here - but hopefully there will be other Octobers.

I have finished what projects I can do for now. My body has reached it's limit...arthritic fingers are permanently gnarled into a paintbrush handle grasp. My painting shoulder and elbow are trashed. I even had to go to the ER with bad floaters that the doctor says came from the back and forth movement of my eyes when I was painting. He advised me not to go to any tennis matches. Such a kidder. The floaters are better, thanks! The addition remodel should be finished by the end of the week except for the flooring. I will tell you a Tale Of Carpeting From Lowe's in another entry! For now I will say that everyone at Lowe's hides when they see our faces.

I finished the kitchen, family room, master bedroom and bathroom and 1/4 of the living room. The rest will wait for a long cold winter full of inside projects!

We are so grateful to my cousin and her husband who have introduced us to some nice people, helped with yukky landscape work, home repair projects and have shared some incredible meals! Now we are looking forward to a visit this weekend from daughter Erin and husband and our sweet grandaughter Carson. Hopefully in the next few weeks Pat's brother and wife will visit...that will be the fun part of living here!