Wednesday, January 26, 2011


View From The Side Porch
Formerly Known as the "Cigar Porch"

There is a peace that settles in when the landscape is covered with several inches of snow. It's warm and cozy inside. Sure, I could clean the refrigerator this afternoon, but I am totally out of my yellow crime scene tape. So yes - there are tons of things I COULD do if I was so motivated....but I am not. Maybe in March. Or April. But not this month - what's left of it.

Wasn't it just Christmas? What in the heck happens to the days? They just seem to evaporate which is scary to realize.  One day it's Monday and BAM...Friday!  That never happened when I was working and reeeally busy. The only thing I can think of is that my remaining brain cells are not working efficiently to keep track of my activities. What if I am doing all sorts of projects but don't remember?? Maybe I have finished the 3 quilts I have started...or cleaned closets?  I will have to check on that!

We are hoping to drive to Vegas sometime soon to see three of our kids and new grandaughter, Zoe. Just sort of meander over hill and dale.  Then meander back again, stopping in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Boston.  Sounds like a lot of miles. Have to schedule all the doctors appointments around that time block, so our physicians will have trouble making their March Mercedes payments.

That's all the news from the Lake this week. All is well, all are happy, all are fed, and all are present and accounted for!