Pat and I are proud to announce the birth of grandaughter ZOE GRACE MITCHELL! She was born June 2nd at 12:06am and weighed 6lbs 6oz and was 20 inches long. She tried her very best to come into the world the easy way, however she needed the help of a c-section. Zoe spent a few days in the NICU with amniotic fluid in her lungs but has now passed her car seat test and is almost ready to head home! (She had to sit in her car seat for 30 minutes and keep her vital signs in range). I asked Ryan this morning "What is Zoe doing today?" . His answer - "pooping, peeing, crying - and being wonderful!" I am on my way tomorrow to see her and her Mom & Dad...and Katie....and Jason...and Jason's brand new wife. Pretty exciting, and definitely the best of times!