Friday, August 06, 2010


This week featured a much anticipated renovation in the kitchen of our Retirement Trailer. In March we paid a guy a hefty deposit to do the job and as the weeks and months went by, the project remained unfinished. He finally sent us our deposit back saying he was "over it".  We suspected there was some financial juggling going on which left our orders un-ordered!  Enter Steve, contractor #2. Within just a few weeks he ordered material, made templates - and on Monday he arrived and installed half the countertops and the sink and then came back the next day and finished the rest! Voila!  It is wonderful to have countertops that arent buckled and which don't scream 1980s from every corner!  Okay now the appliances look a little dated but who cares. I am thinking of painting them...not sure what Pat thinks of that idea. I guess only the refrigerator could be painted - paint on a stove might melt and blister!  We asked Steve to build us some shelves on the family room side of the counter and he did a fine job. Part of Pat's book collection will have a home at last!  Whenever I see construction guys at work here I wish so much that my Dad (who could do all of that stuff) had taught me to be a home handywoman!  Back in those days, daughters were to clean and cook - not construct and play golf!