Pat and I decided to go to the real movies this past week. After taking a second mortgage on our house we plunked down our money at the local mega theatre. We were able to take advantage of the senior rate ($6.50 each) and then we each got a large popcorn and a large drink...cha-ching! $34.00! (When I was complaining to Katie about the high cost of movies she said they are $11 a ticket in San Diego!) How in the world can teenagers date nowadays? The movie we picked was Benjamin Button. I thought it was too long (3 hours) and also thought Brad Pitt was too wooden. Not that anyone would care what I think about this flick! Special effects make-up get an A+ though!
The next day we got our Netflix movie ($8.95 a month) - THE BUCKET LIST. What a great movie. I love Morgan Freeman anyway so it's hard for me to diss one of his films. The premise of the movie was so neat-writing down a list of things you would like to do before "kicking the bucket". After the movie was over we talked about what things we would like to have on our Bucket Lists. Strangely there were not many.
I take that to mean we have lived pretty full lives up to now which makes us both feel lucky as can be. Seeing my family was the only thing on my list - and I don't need Jack Nicholson's money to pull that off!