WHEW. I can now entertain the thought of exhaling...reclining...letting waves of holiday spirit roll over me...ahhhh. The packages are wrapped and mailed - or wrapped and under the tree. The cookies and roly polies have been made, shipped or eaten. The house is clean and semi-decorated (I held back on the mega-decor this season as the house is still "on the market" and has to look uncluttered.) The next 7 days should be pretty relaxing! I might even throw caution to the wind and write some Christmas cards. I have noticed that the number of cards we get has dwindled over the years. I remember 20 years or more ago sending cards to everyone I knew, had known or those who were acquainted with people I knew. My Mom used to save old cards and cut appropriate pieces from them to use as TO-FROM labels for gifts. She would be hard-pressed to do that nowadays! I clearly remember taking the pile of cards and spreading them out on the carpet and looking at them over and over. My favorites were the ones with fake sparkly snow.
I have noticed that when Pat and I are out and about and sales clerks etc wish us "Happy Holidays" Pat quickly responds "Merry Christmas!" Its a jungle of political correctness out there!