I must be having a LOT of fun because time is flying!! I swear it was just New Year's Day and now its almost Valentine's Day! I hope the next few days go by at lightening speed skipping past SUPER TUESDAY and the hot air that will follow it by the media. Groan. What a fine gaggle of candidates we have to choose from. Do I want Hil and Bill back in the White House? Napes. Do I want Obama as a Presidental Intern and Commander-in-Chief of the US Military? Napes. Would I prefer John McCain with his hot temper and his talk-down-to-the-great-unwashed in charge of the Big Button? Napes. Do I want Huckabee preaching to me from the Oval Office, arms raised to the heavens? Napes. Do I want Mitt Romney, no hair out of place, as my Leader? Maybe. The least of all evils. Will I get my bloomers in a bunch - or worse yet, my heart rate to the point that I have to visit the ER like Bush-Gore? Napes. I will deal with what happens the best way I can. The best way? Pack that moving van and move to the lake...sit back, gaze out at the water, and look forward to the day I will be able to vote in New York...against Chuck Schumer!