Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Here are some random thoughts from my stream of unconsciousness:

Why is the stock market being so unkind as we are trying to retire? I am trying not to take it personally that across the country banks are having a hard time right now - but did it have to happen NOW?

No matter what you think of George Bush you gotta admire the way he takes punches. Sheez. He should be on the mat in a bloody heap - but he just keeps getting back up for the next smack-down.

When will it rain here in north Georgia? We can't water outside by Governor's Orders. Our last water bill said there would be a 20% surcharge on all usage over 4000 gallons. We looked back and we haven't been under 4000 gallons all year! I have cut back to 3 showers a week and try not to waste. Pretty soon we will be the classic Georgia stereotype and only bathe on Saturdays. The old 70s advice "When its yellow let it mellow and when its brown flush it down" is our new motto here in Gilmer County.

How many more political debates can the average citizen stand before being committed against their will to the funny farm? Admittedly I haven't watched a single one but I know there must be people out there watching them...and the election is not for another YEAR. I would be in favor of mass debating IF it replaced campaign ads. That makes sense to me. Forget raising a bazillion dollars for hot air-waves...each candidate gets to participate in the debates and it doesn't cost them a dime.

How is it possible that there are only 46 more days until Christmas? I could swear I just put away the Christmas decorations. Have I gotten caught up in sort of a take- off on that "Groundhog Day" movie and have to re-do the Christmas decorations every morning from now on? Aaaaarghhhhh.

Am I the only one who doesn't give a rats patootie that the writers in Hollywood are on strike and all the network shows will cease working?

Where do hummingbirds go in the winter? They surely can't go south with such frenzied wing motion...they would be exhausted in a mile or so.Do they share caves with the bears? Are they in cocoons somewhere?

And lastly - if Hilary Clinton is alone in the woods and she falls over, will anyone care?