Sunday, July 15, 2007


"That will be $4.69."

It must be Sunday night -my favorite night of the week...and we are in the drive-thru at DAIRY QUEEN waiting anxiously for those big vanilla cones dipped in chocolate to be passed out the window to us. I can embrace this Weight Watchers diet knowing that a large DQ is 17 points of my 35 weekly bonus points!There are three drooling beings in the car - you know two of them are Pat and me. The third is the 4-legged Max hanging out his window. He dreams of the day when that sweet young thing on the other side of the window will once again give HIM a doggie scoop. It only happened once but Max is an optimist. It is not to be tonight so he is doomed to wait for our handouts.I can feel his warm breath on the back of my neck as he waits for SOMETHING. A piece of chocolate that drops here - or a blob of ice cream there. He is very patient, staring at us til we get to that bottom piece he knows will be his. When I get to the place where I have to tear the paper wrapping from the cone I know it is coming to an end for this week - but next Sunday we will be in line again, the good Lord willing!