Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I am sitting here wanting to write something. But what? Nothing seems to be on my mind tonight which is amazing considering how much empty space is available in there. It is 20 minutes BAI (Before American Idol). I have flipped through all 150 available Time Warner channels and nothing is on. Nothing that interests me. I suppose it is indicative of the state of my mind that my favorite shows lately have to do with dwarfs. Oooops. Make that "Little People". I am in love with Jen and Bill! Then there are two other little people families, and starting soon, the "Little Chocolatiers". Now that seems to be stretching the theme a bit...little people hovering over large vats of melted chocolate. The thought of the consequences will make me check future chocolates for tiny lumps and bumps. Coming soon, CSI:Denver Dwarf Detectives.

Right now I am watching the end of Clean House can a house be soooooo messed up. Do you think they go in and make them REEEEALLY bad? That reminds me - have any of you watched The Hoarders? That is like watching a train wreck! The good thing is that the show inspires me to clean closets and cupboards on a regular basis.  No interventions for me, thanks very much!

 Idol has been on 10 minutes and you and I know that I haven't missed a darn thing! They just don't kick them to the curb in the first 10 minutes! Later.