In my past life I have fallen for a variety of devices to help me become more fit.
The first that I can remember was one that I rented in Arlington, Va. It was a vibrator, so to speak. I stood on it's deck, wrapped these huge stretchy bands around my butt, turned it on, and stood there whilst it jiggled me so badly that my teeth got loose. My butt remained the same size. Next I purchased the ThighMaster. I was not able to master my thighs. They have minds of their own and even my stretch pants couldn't keep them in line. One night when I was bored and watching QVC I was lured into purchasing a ProForm Treadmill.
Just pay for the shipping, the spiel said, and then make small monthly payments. So I did it. I used it religiously for a few months. Then less religiously for several years while still making those small monthly payments. During the last few months of small payments, it served as a wonderful clothes hanger and also as a zippy chute for Barbie and Ken, Matchbox cars, crayons, and more. Even though the ad said it would fit under your bed, you would have to have a bed two feet off the ground. Therefore it was always THERE, a reminder of goals not accomplished.
A drum roll please! Introducing the newest addition to our household! It is the TONY LITTLE GAZELLE. Thinking it would be easy on our menisci, we bought it for each other for Christmas. Pat put it together this past weekend. We both tried it and it seems like it might help us to get some exercise during the winter. When Pat left for work he asked me to please PLEASE keep my cell phone nearby when I am on it. Maybe it's time for one of the HELPIVEFALLENANDCANTGETUP necklaces! ALL senior citizens should have one....