Friday, August 03, 2012


ONCE again I find myself grasping at straws, coming up with a valid excuse for not keeping up with my blogging. I have none!  So my solution is to just climb back up on my horse and get back with the program.  My last blog was in early July. Its been a fine 30 days since then. We have been in the midst of a drought here in upstate NY. This means the farmers are worried and sad. We will feel their pain in a few months when food prices skyrocket. But, for those of us who enjoy summer, it has been glorious!  Long sunny days, soft breezes, lapping waves.  We have, for the most part been pretty lazy since early July, following a major painting frenzy. Up here, the winter does a number on porches and decks. They have to be repainted each summer.  Luckily, I love to paint!  It is one of those chores that shows instant gratification.  Since the painting efforts, I have been relaxing. I pick one little project to do each week. Here a closet, there a closet.  I would still love to get all of our STUFF organized and whittled down to bare bones. Not totally successful at that as of today!

I guess the biggest news around here is the Great Diet of 2012.  Pat and I looked at our obese selves back in March and decided to give losing weight one last shot before just accepting our girth as being "it is what it is!".  I had been hearing from my BFF Ande raving about her new eating plan and her success...slow but steady. She had adopted Dr. Atkins. We did too. March 4th.  We have followed it pretty much to the letter since then and have each lost about 34 pounds.  Other people's diets are boring to hear about so that is that on the subject!  

After coming home from Nevada, we are missing our Left Coast families.  The highlight of last month was a visit from Erin, Steve, Carson and Matthew.  What a pleasure to have them around. Well-behaved kids, great parents!  In the next month or so we hope to head south to visit Pat's aunt in Virginia, then Robin and three more grandkids, and also Charles and Carol, Pats brother and wife in Columbia, SC.  Pat is off to an army reunion in Ohio the end of August. We will whip over to Acton, Mass to see Erin, family and their new house sometime soon. It is shaping up to be a busy month!

I promise to be back here next week!  Here are some random photos of our summer, etc.