This has been quite a few months for us. We drove from the East coast to Las Vegas, which is always an adventure. We had great weather, gas prices were a little better than predicted, the drive was interesting, taking the southern route. We towed our trailer which Pat had modified with taller sides so we could get everything from Point A ( our garage) to Point B (our garage here). The only loss was the glass in a picture frame of Pat on his bike. Not bad for amateurs! We were on baby watch for weeks, but grand baby # 7 arrived well after we unpacked! Ryder James Mitchell weighed in at 7lbs 10 ozs of handsomeness! Big sister Zoe seems to be adapting well to the "intruder"!
We got everything unpacked, put away, put up. Got the Christmas tree up and decorated. Did some landscaping...however, we have done diddly squat for shopping! Tomorrow I will set the Internet ablaze. Hopefully get some cards out quickly!
People here in our neighborhood have gone all out with lights and chatchkes. It's sort of disconcerting however to drive around the neighborhood and see deflated Santas and Frosties draped on lawns. Evidently people turm them off before leaving home in the morning. Very sad.
Back to December. Daughter Katie graduates from UNLV this Tuesday afternoon. We are proud and excited for her. It's been a long haul! The next challenge will be finding a job!
Son Jason celebrates his birthday tomorrow. I always had a rule that we couldn't put up the tree til the 14th. Then with Katie's birthday hitting the 26th of December, I relaxed that rule. I take full responsibility for their ill-timed, yet celebrated birth dates! Well, maybe not full responsibility!
Last, and certainly not least, last week we adopted a cute little white furball at the animal rescue here in Las Vegas. I wasn't quite ready but Pat missed Max so much he wanted to honor him with another doggie. Max died in October of kidney failure. He was an exceptional friend and it is hard to think about him not here with us. Our new addition is Brody, a Lhasa Apso. Yes, Brody, since I am a Showtime Homeland fanatic! Pat calls him Bordy! So far he is a lover dog, seems to be catching on with potty training, and adapts to our schedule really well!
That is our December! What a 5 star month it is so far!!